Opti Race Team

Opti Race Team is the next step for Opti Learn to Race sailors ages 8 – 15 with prior racing experience. Sailors in this course should expect a competitive environment and a rigorous curriculum to improve their skills. This is the first class of the LMSS Race Team and is the best platform to grow young sailors.

  • Students will continually work to improve their skills, focusing on boat speed upwind and downwind, starting practice, mark roundings, boat handling, understanding of the rules, and rigging techniques specific to racing Optis

  • Sailors are expected to be members of Minnetonka Yacht Club and participate in weekly racing through the club. Sailors are also required to participate in local events throughout the duration of the session, and expected to participate in regional events.

  • During TCYS events and other LMSS-supported regattas, there will be no practice at LMSS

  • LMSS Summer Opti Charter fee: 100$/session

  • Opti Charter included in Spring/Fall Opti registration

Summer Regattas Include: TCYS, GLSS Dinghyfest, ILYA Opti Inland, and Red White and Blue Chip

Prerequisite: Per Coach Recommendation from Opti Learn to Race

Next Step: Spring/Fall Opti Race Team, X Boat Race Team, or Middle and High School Sailing


420 Learn to Race


X Boat Race Team